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Newest Paintings: Below are the most recent works available













"Shadow Play In An Evening Woods"
All Transparent Watercolor - $1500
22" h X 30" w ( Displayed At The 94th Annual Hoosier Salon)









"Early Morning Along Owl Creek"
All Transparent Watercolor - $850.00
14" h X 30" w



"The Artist In Repose"
All Transparent Watercolor - $1500
30" h X 20" w


"To One In Paradise"
Watercolor & Gouache - $1000.00
30" h X 20" w

"The Secret Behind The Barn"
Watercolor & Gouache - $650.00
13" h X 30" w

"Working The Fields"
Watercolor - $650.00
(15" h X 22" w)  Displayed at the Indiana Heritage Art  Gallery

"In My Quiet Place"
Watercolor - $650.00
(15" h X 22 " w)  Displayed at the Indiana Heritage Art  Gallery



Watercolor - $650.00
15" h X 22 " w


"Last Tiger Of The Summer"
Watercolor - $1000.00
22" h X 30 " w
Displayed at the Indiana Heritage Art  Gallery